Ugh Please Help Me!


So I'm here to rant. I have an issue and idk what to do!! My fiancé's dog is out of control. I love animals! But I CANNOT STAND HIS DOG!!! She takes my food and he does nothing to punish/discipline her!! Half the time he treats that stupid mutt better than he treats me!! I am pretty much Not allowed to have a dog of my own because of his dog!! The first thing he does in when he wakes up is get on his phone and play with that dog. Is it too much to ask that when he gets up He gives me a hug and kiss and tells me good morning??!?! He doesn't even clean up his own mutts shit and piss. I HAVE TO DO IT AND I CANNOT STAND HIS DOG!! When I had my cat, he didn't clean the litter box, So why should I have to clean up after his mutt??!! In all my life, I have always felt love for an animal. But not this one. She looks at me like she's challenging me. Like she is better than me. My fiancé gets so mad when I say that he needs to discipline his dog because her behaviour is unacceptable. She goes outside to do her business, but insists on pissing and shitting on the bedroom floor. I have had it up to here with that dog. I don't like when dog hair is all over me when I sleep because it agitates my skin. The bed we sleep on is literally MY bed. So I said no dogs allowed on it, she has a fucking dog bed anyways. but he still insists she gets up there. I don't abuse her cuz I will never hurt an animal unless it attacked me. But this is ridiculous. I have told him that if he treated me half as good as he treated that stupid mutt, I wouldn't bitch at him so much. I even told him that when we have kids, if she EVER even ONCE bites or attacks them, she's gone. I don't think he believes me. But he will if she ever does that. I am not going to play this stupid game. And I certainly won't compete with an animal. One of these days if he doesn't get his priorities straight, I'm gonna end up making him choose. I can't take this anymore. I think it is so wrong that I have to compete with a dog for the affection of my SO. what do y'all think?