2years trying for #2


Hi everyone, my husband & i have been trying for number 2 for almost 2 years now. We are trying naturally and not getting anywhere. Aunt Flo is visiting monthly and i want her to piss off... we have consulted a fertility expert and am on my 4th course of clomid now. After the first round i thought I may have been pregnant as i was really sick & 3 days late but no, AF came & paid her visit. After being 3 days late again this month, she has paid me a visit. And it has hit me really, really hard.

Its just really frustrating as i have a gorgeous 2year old that i want to give her a brother or sister. I am grateful we have had one child where there are many others that are trying for their first and cant but i cant help feel hopeless and upset when my period comes around. Its hard when many of my friends are falling pregnant now too.

Has anyone else gone through this or is currently going through this now? How are you all coping?