
Hey, ladies!!! I am 7 weeks pregnant with baby #3. Today as I was getting out of the shower I almost fell and hurt my back. I now can barely move about without really bad pain. I don't normally have back issues and where it hurts never hurts me there. It literally was nonexistent till the stupid shower. I don't want to run to the ER if I don't have to but I do want to if I should. I have no spotting nothing in my abdominal area hurting me. My back is killing me though I'm scared. Anyone have advice or tips or suggestions or anything??? please help! *BTW, I'VE SEEN MANY CRUEL WOMEN BASH OTHERS AND SHARE NEGATIVE VIBES TO OTHERS. COMMENTS LIKE THAT ARE NOT WELCOME ON THIS POST. POSITIVITY AND HELPFUL COMMENTS ONLY, THANK YOU!*