HELP!!! I need some advice :/

Katie • Stay Groovy ✌🏼 Mama to Knox Maverick born 4/4/18

I’m pregnant with my first from my boyfriend. Him and I don’t see eye to eye and it’s been such a challenge to get him into this pregnancy.

That being said, he’s FINALLY getting a job and will help out (I’m 22wks) when baby comes.

HOWEVER, I don’t see myself in a relationship with him, and I doubt we’ll ever get back to how we used to be.

I want to give my baby my last name ( he’s a boy due March ‘18 ).

I also don’t see a problem with my boyfriend being on his birth certificate.

Is it ok to have him on the certificate BUT give the baby my last name?

I don’t know what to do :/ he’s trying but I just don’t see us doing anything but staying together for the baby’s sake.