am I the bad guy?


OK, IDK where to put this rant. but my 11 year old daughter and j live across the country from her father, l and he's always turning our daughter on me. he told her that he is going to TRY to get her a plane ticket to see him for Xmas which is a complete LIE! and he knows my rules.. she will NOT air travel alone with out a parent along. Not gonna happen. so he calls her and puts these ideas in her head where she expects me to accept that to happen. I don't feel comfortable with that AT ALL. Idc if there's travel agents there or not. it's just something in me that I won't allow. there are also NO direct flights to the location. so now she's mad at me and wants to go live with him. what about the times he never calls, or says he's sent her Halloween packages and they never arrive? or the endless school years that tells her he can't pay child support to help with school supplies, clothes, gymnastics, dance, school photos etc... I'm beyond annoyed. why am I always the bad Fucking guy???