Losing it?


Anyone else feel like they're losing it lately? I feel absolutely terrible (so please no negativity) but I lost my temper tonight with my daughter. She hasn't been sleeping at all lately and I work at a really mentally and physically demanding job working with kids 10hrs a day and honestly feel like I never get a break. I hardly have time to shower or do my hair properly. So tonight after only getting a half hour of sleep my daughter wakes up. I try giving her a drink, rocking, patting butt etc. this goes on for an hour and a half. I then decide to temp her just in case, she's low grade so I'm thinking teeth. She's awful with medicine but figured I'd try it anyways, she spits it all over me. I start to cry and then end up screaming. My daughter gets scared as I never lose my temper and she freaks out and starts scream crying then proceeds to puke all over our bed. Of course I feel like the most terrible rotten mother on the planet, I literally want to die. I clean her up, clean up the bed, play with her for a bit and then rock her to sleep.

I just feel like I'm always losing a battle somewhere. Like my life is falling apart. I exist on 3hrs of sleep and coffee all day, barely make enough for us to survive and I feel like I'm alone. I love my husband but I feel like he just doesn't get it. He tries but it's never enough to make me feel less stressed. I also have a problem with letting go. I feel like I always have to be responsible for our daughter and it's hard for me to walk away. Tonight he told me "go in the other room I'll take care of her" and I told him no that I was fine when I wasn't. I completely regret it because I ended up losing my temper. Any suggestions on how to get "me" back? I feel so lonely, lost and sad lately.

Thanks for reading my long post.....sometimes I feel like you guys are the only ones that get it.