Baby shower or no I'm still thinking on it πŸ€”

Hey ladies , I just need some advice , my husband and I are on our 3rd baby due in June . We have a 2 year old and a 6 month old , I'm 13 weeks pregnant and I was thinking to have a baby shower being tho this is my last baby and I didn't have one for my 6 month daughter but my cousin who not to long ago just had her baby shower not a lot of people came I'll say maybe a good 10 ppl so the other day she proceeds to ask me am I having one I said more than likely I will and she says are u sure ppl don't bring gifts for your third baby and idk if she said it out of jealousy or not because with my sons we had tons of ppl and my daughter we just had a dinner and ppl still brung gifts and it was still a lot of ppl who came , now my question is should I have one or no even tho my inlaws told me ppl are going to come and bring gifts or not come at all a little help 😩