How me and my husband found out we were pregnant


my husband and I have been together for three years and we got married this July 16th. We met in high school when he was a Jr and I was a freshman we were friend for three years and never thought about dating, and in 2014 in July before I started my Jr year we started dating and it started out rocky because of certain thing but we fell in love. He told me I am the longest relationship he has been in and that makes me proud. I am so happy that the second man I tried to have a relationship with is now my husband. After being together for two years we got our own place and then we started to plan our wedding because he proposed and of course I said yes. That was in the year of 2016 and a year and a half later we got married like I said on july 16th and on before August 11 started to feel very tired and I didn't know why so after three weeks of feeling like this I told my husband I needed him to get a pregnancy test and it was positive and he was so happy. so now I will be 21 weeks tomorrow.