My love


Growing up I told myself I never wanted to be a mom because of my mom. I had a fear a failing as a mom and ruining my kids life, or putting them through the same thing my mom put me through from living in a car to going to 7 schools in two years to living in a room with my mom and brother or never having money. I didn’t have a dad growing up I didn’t want that for my kids either but than I met my amazing husband and we found out we were expecting in October with our first but sadly that ending with me have an angel baby in November I feared I wasn’t able to have kids but in March I found out we were blessed with another beautiful baby the whole pregnancy I feared it would end bad but my princess was strong. Being a mom is the best thing that has every happened to me I love every early wake up, every single cry she makes I never thought in a million years I would be laying here next to my beautiful baby girl seeing her smile at me or in her sleep I’m truly blessed to be your mom Isabelle and I promise I may not be the perfect mom but I will also do my best to make sure you have everything you need and want I love you ❤️