Are we hypocrites for wanting to stop puppy farming but still eating meat?

Charley Knows • 24 and living without a thyroid 💪🏼

So a current debate on the TV is that really we are hypocrites for saying “puppy farming is disgusting we should never eat dogs BUT I’m gonna go enjoy a nice bacon sandwich”

Obviously this debate is one that I personally don’t see coming to a conclusion.

I stand on the side that dogs should not be puppy farmed and should not be bred for meat, but I also stand on the side that no animal should be bred in horrendous conditions. But I agree that we are being hypocritical, we are saying that this animal can’t be eaten but this one can...

I would just like to point out that the Vegan Presenter was stating it is hypocritical but dogs are mans best friend.

I do not want this debate to end up being bashing people for eating meat or bashing those who don’t. It’s easy to answer whether you consume meat or don’t.

Thinking points:

💭 culturally, where it’s accepted where it isn’t.

💭 why do we not accept dogs compared to other animals? What makes us get so sad?

💭 most puppy farms are considered illegal whereas other meat farms aren’t

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