Overwhelming TTC.

So my husband and I have been TTC for about half a year. The problem is that he has very low sex drive and we barely ever have sex (and yes, he has always been that way). So each cycle during my fertile window we only get to BD ONCE!!! And usually try to do it a day before ovulation. Well today I got another BFN. I am so discouraged that I don’t even think I can continue to TTC because I am so emotionally overwhelmed!!!! My husband is upset too but not so much. He already has one daughter form his previous marriage so maybe that’s why he is not as upset as I am. Another issue is that he loves his daughter so much and he wants us to have a girl too. I mean, of course he says that either gender is fine as long as the baby is healthy, but he admitted that he would love to have another daughter and that is isn’t so excited about a boy. WTF!!!! I can’t wrap my head around it. It actually makes me scared because what if when we have a baby it’s a boy and he is going to love his daughter from the previous marriage more than he would love our baby due to gender. I. AM. TIRED. UGH!!!!😭