Never Trust a Survivor


*trigger warning*

Situations mentioned of abuse

So I heard a really interesting quote today:

“Never trust a survivor until you know what they had to do to survive”

It definitely got me thinking. So, let’s discuss 😊


I’m sorry to any and every survivor on here. I apologize if this quote has upset any of you. I love you all and wouldn’t want to hurt you 💕

I know this quote can be taken many ways. As a survivor myself, I think it can sometimes be relevant, but not always.

My mother is a good example; yes she technically “survived” but came out of her childhood of abuse mentally scarred and ended up being very narcissistic and toxic and even abusive to her own children and any other relationship people attempt to have with her. She refuses counseling or any offer to help her, because she believes that she’s just fine. Often times she uses her previous abuse as a sob story to draw people to her, and when people leave her she will claim they also abused her.

So for me, in that situation, the quote holds true. Obviously not for every survivor or even the majority of survivors, but for the few who never truly get out of the cycle and even continue it.