Please help

Sara • First time mommy to be💕🍼

Me and my bf have been TTC. I just got off the Depo injection which is causing me to spot for almost 2 months. I have been taking MANY pregnancy tests, urine and blood. All negative but yet I don't believe it. Maybe I am going crazy but then I heard of Cryptic Pregnancy. It seemed to make a lot of sense but yet I continue to spot and now I just feel like I'm crazy. Anyone have this feeling or had that type of pregnancy? My Symptoms are the fallowing: • Sensitivity to light

• Abdominal pain

• Severe cramps

• Spotting for a month

• Headaches

• Dizziness

• Back pain

• Tired all the time

• Food aversions (not waiting to eat)

• Eyes hurting

• Feeling sick, nausea

• Bloating

• Hot flashes

• Indigestion

• Diarrhea

• Constipation

• Frequent urination