****EDIT****I'm so fucking tired of this bs!!!

I posted this yesterday, but since it doesn't have alot of GIFs, isn't funny, or cheating related then no one responded. but I just want to rant. I had posted on how my husband still at 7 1/2 months pregnant, has not told his parents in mexico that we are expecting. Supposedly yesterday was supposed to be the day and he put it off saying it was too late to call them. IT WAS 9:20.....😡 Ok I didn't say anything. Well today he talked for over 2 1/2 hours with them and just hung up a while ago. It's 10:40 We finished having dinner then I ask him what his parents had said about the baby, and he said "only my dad was there" ( he wanted to tell them both) I laughed and said i heard you talking to your mom. And he just laughed and I asked " you didn't tell them did you" and he just shook his head and I kept laughing (disappointment laughter) and he asked me why was I laughing. All I did was walk away. I am so fucking pissed that my son is due in 8 weeks or less and I just want to fucking cuz him out on why does he insist on keeping my baby boy a secret or waiting till last minute to tell them.....!! he's currently next to me and I just want to tell him all of this but I honestly don't want to argue with him RANT OVER **********EDIT: I can't tell them for the number 1 reason that I haven't even spoken 1 single word with them in the 3 years that we have been together. So me telling them would just be a slap in the face for them. Idk wtf is up, but when he is around me he's all over the belly and kisses it and talks to him.*

Also he does send money but recently he hasn't since we are really tight atm and have lawyers to pay for some personal reasons.  So I don't think not telling them because of that is the reason. I just want my son to be acknowledged.

Edit: YES they so know we are married and that I have a 6 year old daughter. No, he's not married in mexico. He's been here 5 years and we'll I've been to his family's house over here. His cousins are often over at my house and we'll go to his uncle's every now and then. Also his grandpa is coming to stay with us in a couple of days for vacation so I know he's not married.

@Jessica: YES but now I don't even want him telling them no more. I mean why wait so fucking long. This is your biological son. Why be so embarrassed of him?

@grace: I've told him countless of times to tell them cause they are going to be so mad at the end he didn't tell them soon enough and he just says that he is but he feels bad that his mom is going to cry