I puked on my baby ...


On Monday night my hubby decided to make dinner because he had the day off (we’re a good team 🤗) and he decided on spaghetti and meatballs (it’s easy, and my 1 yr old loves it)

Anyway, he started to cook the meatballs while I was holding my daughter. The smell creeped into the living room, and BOOM.

I look down, and I had just VOMMITED ON MY BABY! WTF????

“Babe, fuck the meatballs, get the bath ready for Luna!!”

So then I run her to the bathroom, wipe the puke off of her (all while she’s cracking up because she thinks it’s hilarious) I hand her off to my husband and he continues to bathe her while I continue vomiting in the toilet nearby.

He decides to say “maybe you’re pregnant”

And I’m furious by this remark. When my daughter was 3 months old, we suffered ectopic pregnancy and I lost my right ovary & Fallopian tube, and we were told it would be very hard to conceive without medical help.

So I leave for awhile and hubby takes care of baby & dinner.

I pick up a dollar tree pregnancy test just to prove myself right. I come home around 9 PM after going to the store and crying to my mom (who also thought it was funny)

And hubby and baby are sleeping on the couch.

I go into the bathroom and open the test.. BOOM.

So that’s how I found out I was pregnant. I puked on my baby. I laugh about it now but I felt soooo bad that day 😭😂