TTC may be making me crazy


I’m 34 TTC #4. My late husband fathered my 3 kids and due to his declining health I had resigned myself to the fact I wouldn’t have anymore. I came from a large family and wanted one myself. I love children and would have as many as I can safely manage.

Then I met my current husband who got cheated out of the first 10 years with his son and wants more kids. So we are on cycle 3 ttc and I know I should be happy I have 3 beautiful children, a stepson and another amazing husband. I have so many blessings that many other people don’t have. Why can’t I just be content with that? I blame the hormones.

Anyway, AF due Dec 11 and I’ve been super emotional the last two days so I’m thinking this isn’t our month either. I feel like our window is closing since I’m 34 and he’s 44 but I’m trying really hard to focus on the blessings I have and hopefully if it isn’t my month, it’s someone who hasn’t been so blessed yet.

Just needed an outlet where someone may understand. My husband tries, but...