To Inspire

Josie • Say what you mean & mean what you say. -Seuss

Sometimes people in our lives gives us such hard time when it comes to finding a mate and we often let toxic people into our circle. When that happens, it tends to leave us damaged, bruised to a fault where we give up on ever finding our happily ever after. Often times, we’ve experienced certain things in our lives whether it be spousal abuse or any abuse from a young age that has left us emotionally unavailable for whoever that is actually willing to help us heal but we fail to realize that because of our past.

NEWS FLASH- you’re not alone. A sad reality but true nonetheless. What I’ve realized in my personal battle in life is that hearing other people’s testimonies HELP! Hearing their battles and the steps that they’ve taken to come out of whatever hole that they were in when they thought that there would be no way out, no one to love them because they’ve been considered used or damaged goods.

I am calling out/asking for anyone who has a story to share to please email me their experiences at Even if you have a story that is not yet closed and you’re still battling a chapter in your life but you have hope to overcome.

I will be uploading them on a blog and will leave room for feedbacks and comments. If you wish to remain anonymous but share your journey that is also something that will be done.

Thank you in advance for your help. Once again the email is