Help with intercourse/cycle timing!!!!

So this is my current cycle. According to OPK I hit my peak fertility today (wed. 12/6) and we have had intercourse as marked. Sometimes I feel like we haven’t gotten pregnant yet because when it’s time to do the baby dance my husband REFUSES to have sex with me. We tried last night and he couldn’t get off and he just completely blew me off tonight and went to sleep. Whenever I start my period he will be completely in shock, terribly upset and tell me I need to call my doctor. (We’ve been TTC for almost two years now). I don’t want to hurt his feelings but it’s really starting to piss me off. Currently laying here trying to not wake him up screaming. Do you guys think it’s possible for a BFP with the looks of this cycle? Or are we screwed because we didn’t have sex tonight? 🙄😡🤬