Angel’s due date

Caught.the.Funk • Sunshine, storm, rainbow 🥰

This month has become increasingly more emotional for me. My baby would’ve been due the 23rd. For Christmas I’ve decided to light a candle as a vigil with the one ultrasound we got of our precious angel. How is one supposed to feel or do when this comes up?

I don’t want to bring people down when we visit family because I’m upset I don’t have my baby in my belly or arms. A part of me feels as though I should be finished grieving since it’s been seven months but another part of me thinks I never will be?

I don’t know why I’m posting this, it’s not like I’m asking advice. I guess because I know I’m not the only one who is or has gone through this it helps a bit? Really I think I just needed to vent. My prayers go out to all the angel mamas out there. ❤️