Questioning the MC diagnosis


We have been told we are losing our second pregnancy this time at 9wks. We went in on Monday for our first appointment and ultrasound. This pregnancy,unlike the last, my hormones have made their presence known! All day sickness, dizzy spells, cravings and dislikes, emotions high. So we had more hope, we were almost positive this would be different. We were seeing a different OB office as we were not comfortable with our last experience. This time this tech took a look at the screen before she would turn it towards us. She was rather quick and measured and then said “well I see the baby but I’m sorry there’s no heartbeat”. I asked where it measured and she said 9wks 2 days (i was 9wks and 1 day) and without a breath in between she was quick to tell us that when the heart stops sometimes the fetus will swell (anyone else ever hear this??) I’ve never heard this before but I was already an emotional mess and so when she asked if we would like to see I declined immediately not thinking, just emotional. She started quick and ended quick taking my no and running with it, literally. And that was that, they scheduled me for a d &c; saying due to the size of the baby the blood and cramping would be very intense and they didn’t recommend it.

So I know hormones are still there and can take some time to subside. I’m still very gassy and getting sick. Belly was already showing a difference in muscle tone weeks prior but yesterday and today it’s changed. I understand this could be for many reasons but because I didn’t set eyes on the “proof” I’m just not sure. I know I can be really just holding on to the last bit of hope I may have but am I crazy to ask to have another ultra sound before my scheduled d&c; tomorrow? I just want to see for myself so I can rest easy and move forward. Has anyone ever experienced this?