One year today💔

Amanda • 💕🌈💕🌈 amanda & anthony 💕🌈💕🌈

One year ago today I lost my first little one my first pregnancy at 8 weeks gone... I still remember the feeling the moment I saw those two lines and saw the heart beating.... the physical pain and emotional pain I felt the second I started to bleed still haunts me today and forever changed me... I thought that next may i was getting my second chance to be a mom again... again I saw those two lines and again my heart soared only this time my happy feelings were accompanied by fear.. on July I lost the second baby.. my spirit is completely broke. Yet I continue to wear a smile... now my husband and I struggle to conceive again and at this point I’m wondering why bother I probably loose that baby too... feeling really shorty today and trying to pull myself out of this horrible place. I don’t open up to family and friends much anymore... glad I have this community on here to turn to... I know you ladies truly inderstand how I’m feeling. Thanks for reading and listening❤️