Work question

If you had a boss who was calling you on weekends about stupid things that could wait until Monday , would you go to HR and report it? My boss has been calling me on weekends when I am off of work and it’s really starting to bother me . I don’t want to have this problem while I’m on maternity leave . He told me “you need to check your phone periodically on weekends in case I need to get in touch with you.” I don’t feel like I need to be tied down to a cell phone on my days off which is my family time and I don’t want to be forced to do so. I have never had this issue with other jobs and thinking that if HR can’t fix the issue then I’m going to find another job where I don’t have to be near a phone on my days off . I don’t get paid enough for this crap and I’m not a manager. It’s starting to stress me out and my blood pressure has been increasingly going up.