I am 30 years old with pcos and thyroid issues

Jessica Huff • Jessica Huff
I am 30 years old with pcos and thyroid issues. Hubby is 36 and has male factor infertility. We have struggled through fertility treatments and the unnamed for years. I had a dream last night I was pregnant. Woke up at 3 Am to poas and bam there it was. Not believing my eyes I took another. Bam there again. I just hope it sticks. The only symptom I have had at all is very very sore boobs. Like clothes hurt. And been really tired. I am now 12 dpo and super excited to get to the doctor. Keep me in your prayers ladies. We give up about 6 months ago on fertility treatments. We conceived natural!!! Things we done doffeeent. My iron was low so they put me on supplements two months ago. Hubby and I dtd every night through my fertile window. He ejaculated several times each time and then would make sure I got the big O !!! I'm super excited but prayer please ladies. It's still really early.