RANT!! Kind of long!😔

Most times I really dislike my partner! 😔 it’s just the way he is I dnt like it and dnt understand!! Like I can’t wrap my mind around his way of thinking and doing things.

So he pays everything (bills) and I dnt I’m a stay at home mom thanks to him. But he is always just doing nothing he helps me with our just born baby most times and but no amuck because he smokes (weed) and he smells and I’ve already told him to cut back and he is always out and about but when he comes home he complains that his back hurts and shit like wtf I’m telling him well it dnt seem to hurt when you put smoking with your cousins and hike will be laying down and his phone rings and he is quick to get up he is so irritating like makes me want to go back to my house where I dnt have to worry about shit!! And I’ve told him this:

“ I get it your bored and want to chill but you have a family now a responsibility he more than me wanted to have this baby he needs to be here also physically and emotionally, you think I’m not bored here? I am but oh well I wanted to have this baby for you (cuz he begged me to have a baby) so too bad stay home like your supposed to be and if you cousins dnt understand that you can’t go and hang out well there you go, why even hang out with them and they are more than welcome to come to you house and smoke but you leaving and taking almost the whole fukn day, No sir not with me and if he wants to be acting like he has no responsibility alright I’ll go home”

and he said he will cut it out and stay home but we shall see i doubt it. I mean he can help me a lot I knw he can but he fukn won’t the dumb fuck!! Like I told him to wake the kids up for school this AM and he said for me to do it mind you he slept all fukn night and for most of you knw I have a new born (say no more) and I got up to feed him (breastfeeding) like wtf dude get the fuk up ugh I swear I want to just murder him. How annoying right I bet your wondering why I’m still here well I’m thinking the damn same thing... why is it so hard for me to leave? And I honestly dnt knw 😔 aye dios!! 🤦🏻‍♀️

P.S. I’m so in love with out baby😍😍 he is just so perfect 😊