What did early labor feel like to you?


I know everyone’s experience is different, I just feel like I’m psyching myself out.

I’m 38+1 with our first baby and I feel like he could come at any minute. He was head down at our last ultrasound (so far down she had to push him up to measure him correctly as he’s small)

I’ve had to go to the bathroom far more than usual for the past couple days, but I’ve been constipated my entire pregnancy. It seems like I can feel him moving a lot farther down in my pelvis as well. I’ve been nauseous recently more so that before (hg entire pregnancy). I’ve been dizzy and it’s been a little hard to breathe at times. I’ve had Braxton Hicks contractions for a few weeks and I’m starting to wonder if they’re actual contractions that just aren’t hurting me badly enough for me to realize they aren’t BH. I was 1cm 50% effaced as of last Tuesday and have another appointment tomorrow.

I just feel different. I don’t want to wait too long if something’s going on and hurt the baby, but I don’t want to overreact and go to the hospital either.

Let me know your experiences please I’m panicking 😅