
Okay so let me just please vent .....

I’m 40w5d. I had an appointment today, my last one... finally right? Well my original doctor wasn’t in today so I had someone else. I immediately ask her where my doc was and she said she was out today..... very upsetting, I could cry but I didn’t want to make the woman feel bad.

We talked about my previous appt where my doc put in her notes that I was dilated to 1, but didn’t add in that I had dilated to 3 that same afternoon when she stripped my membranes. So when the new doc started to check my cervix she just didn’t know what she was doing.... idk how many times she asked ME “where is it”. Her fingers were shorter than my doc’s so it was expected but she was in my vagina for a LONG time trying to figure it out. I knew she was getting frustrated because she paused so many times. She had the nerve to tell me i’m extremely thin, baby is in my pelvis, but I’m only dilated to 1. I told her that my doc had told me I was at a 3 at the last appointment smh. She tried to disagree so that frustrated me too because at this point I’m questioning does this woman even know what she’s doing? Well because she’s frustrated, she decides to get a speculum to look but when I tell y’all that hurt .... I had to tell her to stop trying to put it in. Plus my back was hurting so bad.

She finally gave up & told me to come in tomorrow morning at 0600 to be induced. I’m thinking like freaking finally this is what I’ve been waiting on the whole time 😒

EDIT 1 : the doc told me today i was a 1, but my original doctor told me I was a 3. I went to triage the other evening and was check there again & the woman told me I was still at 3cm. So the doc I had today, I’m questioning where she’s even getting 1 from.. her fingers are fat and short (no offense to anyone) so I’m assuming that’s what her problem is 🙂