My first BFP=first chemical :(

Sandra • 🖤 Married 10/8/17 💜 Baby #1 born 10/1/18 🖤 Angel Baby 2/8/20 💜

Only been TTC since October when I got married, and this month i got a faint BFP 13dpo, the day AF was due. Line didn’t get darker, but stayed the same. No AF til 16dpo, and my faint line totally disappeared 😞 My doctor said next time I get a BFP, even faint, to get a blood test right away. I’m so grateful that I even got a BFP so early in TTC but I’m worried this is a sign of a difficult journey ahead. I’m a preschool teacher so I’m constantly reminded of how much I want to be a mom. I’m 33 and I hope to have more than 1 child but now I’m worried that I’ll even have one. Doctor didn’t say I had to wait to try again or anything, so I’m hoping everything goes well. Anyone have positive stories for me about successful pregnancies after a chemical? I heard some say chances of BFP are higher after chemical pregnancies, but I’ve also heard the opposite. Or what happens to your cycle afterwards? This is day 2 of bleeding so I don’t know what to expect. Any info or sharing of experiences would be helpful :/