looking for a cycle buddy


Hello Ladies My name is Janice. I am 41 years old I am a stay at home mom. I have 2 daughters one is 19 and the other is 7. my husband and I decided to try to have #3 before I get to old to have anymore. we had a loss last month. this is our 2 month of trying. my Dr gave me femara to take on cycle days 3-7 I took my last dose of it on the 8th. I am looking for a cycle buddy that has the same or close to the same cycle as mine. if I Ovulate when glow has predicted I will be 8 or 9 dpo on Christmas morning and I am hoping to test that day. I know that is a little early to test but I got my bfp with my youngest daughter at 8 dpo on an frer and a dollar store cheepie. I am hoping to get a positive opk soon. glow says I will ovulate on the 16th but I am hoping it will be sooner as I started having my usual pre-ovulation symptoms this morning. my cm is changing and I am having side cramps which usually happens a couple days before ovulation for me. thank you all and I hope to find a buddy soon. baby dust to all of you.