First delivery!!


I was due September 29th but went past my EDD and had to go in to the dr office on the 2nd to make sure I was ok to have a vaginal birth (I was scheduled for an induction) the same day as my dr appointment I was admitted into the hospital to prepare for my induction on the 3rd. They gave me a pill that was inserted in my cervix bc I wasn’t dilating with my contractions. (8pm) as time went by I’m just laying in the bed as if nothing was happening but my contractions were so close together and “strong”. The nurses checked me around 10:30pm and I still hadn’t dilated passed 1cm, it was very upsetting. I was so starved bc I was only allowed light snacks to eat but at 2:30am on the 3rd the nurse came in to tell me that the dr said for me to go ahead and eat something bc they were going to give me pitocin at 6am to jump start my labor. My bf went to get me something to eat and while he was gone I was pacing around the room bc of how painful my contractions had become. I called the nurse in to help me in the shower. When I got out my food was there and I was so happy lol. We finally turned the light out to try and rest (4am) I turned over from my left to my right after an hour of still being awake and just like that my water breaks! The pain of the contractions exceeded my pain tolerance level and I immediately realized that I needed something to ease the pain. I got staydal which helped me sleep thru my entire labor without feeling pain! I did get the epidural at 6 with the pitocin. Around 12pm the dr was talking about a emergency c section bc the baby’s HR was dropping during my contractions and since they were so close together it wasn’t looking well. They decided to take me off the pitocin to stop forcing my contractions to be so close. By 2pm

I was 10cm and was able to do the vaginal delivery I wanted !! Mia Nichole Thomas born on October 3rd, 2017 at 2:35pm 6lbs 7oz 21.75 in, a beautiful healthy baby girl ! ❤️ she has been my world these past 2 months and I’ve never been more happy with life than right now.