Belly button piercing



I got my piercing done on November 24... so almost three weeks. It scabbed and get red but is it infected now or still just healing? I feel like there’s a bump on top. I do saline soaks and wash it with dual gold soap in the shower.

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Posted at
This is completely normal


Posted at
I had that happen to me. I got mine in April on this year and in July it got like that. All it was with mine was drainage (yeah I know it nasty). But just keep cleaning it and it should heal up in about a month. I used Biotene and it help a lot better than sea salt spray. Hope this helps!


Paige • Dec 14, 2017
Walmart has it and I think CVS, rite aid, Walgreens


Hailey • Dec 13, 2017
Thank you!! Where can I get that


Posted at
The same exact thing happened to me, it’s not infected, and is just heeling, but it looks like your jewl is a little bit too short and that’s why it’s irritated and red.


Naala • Dec 13, 2017
If there’s that little space and it’s still swollen after 3 weeks, go to your body piercer and ask for your jewl to be changed to a longer one


Hailey • Dec 13, 2017
I can’t change it though huh? It slides up and down easily.