I don’t know what’s going on

So I’m 17 and I have a bf currently. Always comes over and stuff like that. My front door has a camera and I was very aware. Kissed him goodnight and all that but nothing wild 🤷‍♀️then my mother is shown the footage from my father( doesn’t live with us) who does not care about me and only likes to cause trouble between us. (This was two days ago) I ended up going out yesterday and Got home around 8 ish. She was telling my bf stuff about me and asking how he feels about me or what he thinks. She asked him for the time in a weird tone . Like kind of getting him to get the hint that he should leave. Anyways In my opinion I don’t like the situation I’m in. She’s assuming that I’m out here doing god knows what 🤷‍♀️I don’t know how to handle the situation I’m just feeling down :/ she mentioned something about trust but I’m not understanding.