Babies born at 34 weeks


So I'm 33+3 today, I've been classed as PPROM since 29+3 but had a scan yesterday and the waters are at 45mm (4.5cm, 5th percentile is 8.3cm) so baby doesn't have much room to move and just enough water for it to swallow and wee. I was admitted yesterday and told they want to try and get me to 34 weeks and see what happens but I have 24 hours to choose if I want a c-section or natural. Another problem is baby is breech and back to back, so I've chosen c-section which is the safest option. I've spoke to the midwife who said it's looking like they're bringing baby at 34 weeks because of the risk of infection and they're worried about the waters going lower now. So can anyone give me any advice? I had steroids and antibiotics at 29w and I'm on more antibiotics now just incase. I'm a bit worried about what's going to happen, 3rd baby and 1st section and 1st time this has happened before 37 weeks. What questions should I ask the Dr when I see him tomorrow? How well do babies survive at 34 weeks? Thanks for the advice!