What do I do??


For everyone that’s read my past posts about my relationship...my mom along with other people say that I should just leave him. I don’t want to because I love him so much and I had to quit my job due to my high risk pregnancy and no one will hire me now since I’m this far along. I’m scared and in love with a man that doesn’t know if he really wants to be with me....I don’t know what to do.


First thing he says to me when he comes home from work is how stupid I am and I need to stop spoiling my nephew that is 3 months old. I pick him up too much, I feed him too much. And when I bring up how he’s been treating me he Denys it and hides in the bedroom. I’ve tried talking to him but he constantly Denys it or blames it all on me. I finally just told him “think about all you need to think about us and figure it out because I’m over the back and forth with your decisions. I’m tired of it.”