is this a problem??

so a few days ago i went into the hospital with contractions i was a day away from being 39 weeks. and the nurse sent me home i was almost 1cm and 70% effaced, now i had an appt today and since i went to the hospital i was planning on my dr checking my cervix again. now today i'm 39 weeks and two days, i've been having contractions and i lost some of mucus plug tuesday morning told dr that and yet all he did at appt was check heartbeat and measure my belly. should i be worried that he didn't check my cervix. i told him i've been having contractions and that i've been having really bad pressure down there and that i lost my mucus plug. all he said was that it was normal. i know that i shouldveasked him to check it or why he wasn't. (mom and bf made sure i knew that lol) i just don't know what to do. all he said was to go to hospital if there's bleeding, water breaks, or contractions are 40-60 seconds every 5 minutes for 2 hours. idk what to think anymore.