Should I file a complaint with the hospital? Long...


So a little backstory. I gave birth two months ago to a beautiful 9lb 11 oz healthy baby girl. I went in for an induction. This was my second child but I’ve never been induced before. The nurse was nice at first but then when the doctor came in and checked me I was only 2cm and 50% effaced. The doctor wanted to start me on pitocin and the nurse disagreed because I was only 2cm and she thought I should start on the pill. The nurse was complaining about the doctors decision and told me I was going to be there all night and I probably wouldn’t have the baby until late the next day. This made me really uncomfortable and I thought it was unprofessional but I let it go. Fast forward to later that afternoon and I was 3cm dilated so the doctor upped my pitocin. I felt my water breaking around 4pm and the nurse said it wasn’t my water it was discharge from a possible yeast infection? It actually was my water breaking come to find out but she refused to listen to me, and again I let it go. I told everyone from the beginning that I wanted an epidural so when they checked me again at 530 I was 5cm and I asked if I could get the epidural. I was starting to feel a lot of pain from 530 to 7 and the nurse kept telling me the anesthesiologist would be in soon. He never showed up! At this point I’m screaming because I’m in so much pain and a new nurse was coming on and she wanted to check me just to make sure I wasn’t ready to have a baby. Turns out I was! I was already at 10cm and my husband was upset because they kept telling us he was coming up and on his was for over an hour and he never showed. My husband asked the nurse that I had all day where he was and she said he went in for emergency surgery. Ok fine. He then asked if there was another anesthesiologist and she said no he’s the only one. Mind you this is a very large hospital. Thankfully she left and I only pushed for 10 minutes and she was out. I told my doctor at my 6 week appointment and she seemed shocked and said I need to file a complaint. What do you guys think? Is it even worth it? It’s not going to change anything. But on the other hand maybe I can prevent this from happening to someone else? I’m not sure what to do and I’m torn.