Needing some help.


So my bub is 4 months old. He has been learning to roll over. He does this by arching his back and kicking his head back. He is obsessed with practicing. He does it all day and all night. lol. Anyways when he is eating now it's almost like he is impatient... He keeps pulling away arching his head back looking at things instead of eating! Everyone keeps telling me maybe my supply is lowering. 😭 And the more I think about it the more I'm worrying! My boobs are super soft anymore. But he never seems, unsatisfied when he pulls away he smiles and coos, but I know he is not getting enough because he is pulling off within 30 seconds. It is making breastfeeding really hard. He is getting all of his food at night I think..We are going through the sleep regression so I have been breast feeding him at night it's the only way to get him to sleep even a little. But everyone keeps telling me he isn't sleeping because he is hungry! 😣😣 But he has the wet diapers??? Idk..Is this just a phase?? Should I supplement with formula? He is dairy intolerant so it would suck trying to find a formula that didn't hurt his belly and I love breastfeeding him.🙁🙁 I only breastfeed no bottle no pacifier. I have a pump but it sucks never use it. It is a horrible representation of how much milk I have.