This is not how asking for pumping accommodations at work was supposed to go😭😭


So I posted the other day about who to ask and specifically what I need to ask for,etc. I felt really good about it, but then I started the process of actually talking to my work about it.....

I was told to go to our nurses station, there I was given an option of where to do the pumping, and told to go speak to another woman,who had to ask another, who then said she's have to ask some man about I waited around and a few hours later one of the women come back and takes me to show me where I can pump (a bathroom, that had 2 stalls and then 2 shower stalls with a chair and outlet) and said she spoke to my team leader to let him know I'd be doing this. Well when I get back to working, my team leader was talking to me about it and it turns out he misunderstood the whole thing😔 I work on an assembly line and we get 10 minute breaks every 2 hours. My team leader was like,"you mean you can't get it done in 10 minutes?" 😒😒😒😒😒 No! He said that he was told I'd be doing it on our lunch break and I kept trying to explain it to him but he just doesn't understand and told me we'd figure it out later and that's the last I heard about it........

it was so uncomfortable and was making me so anxious having to go through all these people just to end up back at square 1 anyway😔 I'm so not in the mood to go back in the morning.