
Sarah • Pray until ur situation changes. Miracles happens everyday, so never stop believing. 💜 blessed with rainbow baby boy 💙👶🏻 after TTC for 3 yrs🌈❤️ never give up ❤️يارب❤️

It’ll be three years exactly of TTC this January. After going through six months with chlomid and femara, after going through HSG and saline sonography, after having a laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery, I was diagnosed with endometriosis stage 2. The first time to get an answer for all the past three years. At least I know what I’m facing and why!

To all the women who are diagnosed with unexplained infertility, do not take it as an answer until you go through all of the diagnostic steps including:

general blood tests,

hormonal blood tests ( FSH, LH, AMH, Prolactine),

HSG ( to check the tubes)

saline sonography ( to check the uterus)

laparoscopy, hystroscopy ( sometimes HSG, and Saline do not show everything like endometriosis and adhesions can only be shown with surgery)

and semen analysis.

Baby dust to all
