Adaleigh Rose 🌹

Leah • Mommy to a beautiful rainbow baby; Adaleigh Rose 🌹 💓

Addie is now a month old, and I’d love to share my birth experience. I was scheduled to be induced Sunday, November 12th at midnight to have my baby girl. Well- November 11, Saturday I was walking around target and was feeling some pressure, which I felt was quite normal. Got back in the car, couldn’t sit a certain way or it would seriously hurt, thats when I noticed that the “pressure” was coming and going- which I thought was very odd.

Every doctor appointment i went to I was to use to the doctor saying “no, no progression” and is dreadfully walk out the office and wonder why i was in so much pain. (Thought it was crazy that I went naturally a day before my Induction) 🙌🏼

So after getting back home from target, I had a family dinner where I couldn’t make myself eat, I wasn’t necessarily nauseous but I just couldn’t eat. About thirty minutes after dinner that night the pain was still coming and going, but at this point was really painful. Every 2 minutes I was having a contraction for about 45 seconds, (I’ve always heard if they were 2 minutes apart that you need to go to a hospital). But in the back of my head I was just thinking- maybe, just maybe I was feeling Braxton Hicks. About an hour later, the pains were in my lower back and once the contraction hit it would travel to my front. My family persuaded me to go to the hospital, so I finally decided that it was time to go. I rode laid over in the back seat breathing through each contraction and waving my head back and forth because strangely I found that easier to cope with the pains.

Once getting there we had to go to admissions and sign a bunch of forms and information on myself, then they sent me back to a room to see if I was dilated far enough to even get admitted. In the back of my mind, I KNEW I was going to be sent home. I just knew. Well- they take me to the room where they check to see how dilated I am. I nurse came in and handed me a hospital gown and told me to change into it, that she would be back in to check my soon. I had to get help from my boyfriend to put on the hospital gown and then a contraction hit so I bent over the hospital bed and was breathing through it when I heard a pop, and look down and my water had broke and was GREEN. I wasn’t prepared for this, I knew that it could be clear, or bloody. My boyfriend runs out the room freaking out because it’s green, and the nurse so calmly comes back and says “oh she just pooped on you”, at this point I’m frantic because I heard that can cause serious issues for mama and baby, but for some reason it wasn’t much of a concern. They admitted me, to where I got the epidural at 1 cm, and slept for the next 14 hours pretty much until I had to start pushing.

The whole labor and delivery was beautiful. I would do it 100 times again if I could. I really wish I could relive that day over and over again.

I progressed normally, about 1 cm every hour. Once I got to 8 cm I no longer felt the contractions in my stomach, they were all in my butt! The whole time I felt like I was just pooping a baby, I’m so greatful that everything went so smoothly. I ended up needing 1 stitch and the doctor didn’t even think I needed one- just did one for a precaution.

Adaleigh Rose Sanchez (Addie), was born November 12th, @11:20 AM, 20 inches long and weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces 😍😍😍 with a head full of hair 💜💜