UPDATED: 18m old escape artist

C • Blessed with 2 babies, Follower of Jesus Christ.

Update: So I tried to transition him to a toddler bed and it was an utter disaster. He kept getting out of the bed, so now I've been laying next to his crib until he falls asleep. He's also getting into "the terrible 2's" phase so he's very temperamental with everything.

Original post:

hey all,

my son sleeps in a crib and he recently learned how to escape out of it. Last night I put him down for the night and maybe 10 minutes later I see him opening the door and running out laughing hysterically. It was cute, but he did it again when it was nap time today. Is there anyone who went through the same thing with their toddlers? What can I do so he doesn't escape again? Share your experiences and advice please!