Pregnancy.. maybe?


Is it weird that i have had baby fever for a month and i seriously don't want a baby?? Yesterday I spotted and today its nothing. I had mild cramping. I have a head ache and I'm irritated today. With my son it happened the same way too. could I be prego?? My period isn't due till the 20th. the window in which an egg fertilized is 7 to 10 days. Well, that was in my fertile window.. 😑 I got a test and took it yesterday, but it was negative. Of course that could be because I freaked out and took it the same day the egg implanted if it did... so I'll try again next week.. oh my god I seriously hope I'm not as sick as my first pregnancy.. I also had preeclampsia and I'm worried about going through that again.. it's just not the right time for me personally.. But I know some of yall might say then why didn't you have safe sex? We try to. Help?? It's fucking with my anxiety!! I guess it's good I have therapy today..