why is getting men to have semen analysis so difficult

DH didn't make his appointment today for semen analysis apparently due to a work conflict he couldn't get out of. the appointment was rescheduled for tomorrow am. he has put this off for months and I get it. a LOT of guys drag their feet on it. but I was really disappointed that he couldn't just get it done today. tonight he tells me he is definitely going tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll be happy if he goes tomorrow, but I'm preparing myself for disappointment ahead of time. ***UPDATE*** so DH was grumpy this morning as I expected. I took an OPK and I'm ovulating today. So I suggested to him that we move his apt to next Wed, so we BD all wknd. he seemed agreeable to this, of course😐 I want to tell him that if he gets out of next weeks apt that I may need to take a break from him. it's heartbreaking to think DH doesn't really want this as much as I do.