Would you be upset?

Here’s the deal- I am one of those people who wants to know everything about my health. I want my doctor to tell me what all the terminology stands for and where I stand. I do research, see what’s normal, etc. I like to know that I’m healthy. I have done research and have questions ready at each doctors appointment. It seems like my questions and concerns are blown off. It’s like they think normal, non-medical people won’t understand what they’re saying even if they try to explain. I have been having problems in my right side for a year now, have paid a lot of money for tests and doctors visits and they can’t tell me what’s up. Based on my own research and understanding, I have felt that there was an issue in the area of my right ovary. I am now looking at my detailed reports of my US online and see that I have a cyst and “free fluid” on my right ovary. It is also significantly larger than my left. Nothing about this has been mentioned to me during doctors appointments. Also, I specifically asked if my due date had changed once the 20 week ultrasound was done and was told no. My reports online say that it has changed 4 days. It seems petty, but this stuff is important to me and I feel like I deserve to be told about EVERYTHING considering the amount of money I am spending on my insurance and this pregnancy.

Would you be upset? Do most people want to know every detail or would you rather leave it up to the professionals?