Had a dream my water broke!!!

Woke up and it didn't. 😡 lol

I have been told that my amniotic fluid is low. Not low that is concerning but lower than what they'd like. Would my water still be able to break if there isn't a lot of water? They keep mentioning a "bulging bag" is typically when a woman's water breaks and they haven't said my bag is bulging. I don't think it would be since my levels are a bit low.

I'm 4cm and 70% effaced. 37w/4d. My first came at 37w/5d and i was having contractions with him but they didn't hurt. I just had a lot of hip and back pain. With this one I have had very strong contractions over the past week but they fizzle out after about an hour. I have super strong cramps, along with back pain and pelvic pressure.

I just read a story where a woman was 7cm dilated and only had cramps. Didn't feel her contractions. Makes me wonder if I should call.