Follicle size- feeling devastated

Jessica • 9y.o daughter. 5y.o son. Trying for #3🌈baby

I feel devastated. I’m on CD13- had US today. Only 1 dominant follicle- only 15 length. Lining was great at 8.95. I’ve been temping and using OPK’s. Got flashing smileys the past 2 days which is a whole week earlier than normal (I typically have a 35 day cycle). Could it be too early still? Could I have a longer cycle? Or does it seem like I won’t ovulate? She said this cycle would either be long or anovulatory. I could go in for another scan next week, but I’ll have to pay out of pocket (we haven’t reached the year mark yet- almost..) I’m on clomid 100 days 3-7 (this is my first clomid cycle)