at the risk of sounding like a spoiled brat..


Everytime my in laws visit, they buy my son enough toys to fill his room. Loud and obnoxious toys that will make you want to pull your hair out too. They visit California every three months from Vietnam just to see us.They were relocated there last year for work. Doesnt matter what our schedule is, we HAVE to make time for them. They never help out around the house and they stay for however long fil wants.. . I talked about it with my husband and he says I should let them do what they want. I asked my fil to buy him books or clothes instead but he says he has grandfather rights. I tried suggesting we go somewhere fun instead but theyre the type that like to have fun for themselves.. such as go to vegas and gamble or go shopping. They try to compete with my family. My son thinks that grandparents are only good toys. He'll ask me what theyre buying him next as if they HAVE to. If he gets something from my family, he must immediately get a bigger toy from them. My husband wont even let me throw out or donate the toys that his parents get my son. No matter how much space is running out. Theyre visiting this week and got my son 5 big toys from Target already. So I thought we were done but now theyre saying they have to get him more Christmas gifts before they leave 😟 I said thats enough but of course nobody listens to the mom. Now I'm thinking of returning all the gifts that I got him for Christmas next week