Daycare drama

Amber • Kayden and Kylen’s Mommy 👶🏻👶🏻 11/11/15,11/15/19 Wife est. 7/9/17

Okay ladies, This might be a little long, i apologize, but I guess I just need some other mommies to reassure me and let me know if I’m doing the right thing.

Long story short my son is 2. I’ve been blessed to not have to use daycare full time, so my son has only ever been part time at daycare starting around the time he turned one. I originally picked the daycare because not only was it close to my home at the time, the rates weren’t bad and the owner had kept myself and my siblings when we were babies so I felt comfortable with my son being in her care. Well after my son started I realized that she had a couple of teachers who worked there that I didn’t care for. I originally just tried to disregard it by saying that I just was being paranoid about anybody else keeping my son, but it has started to become one problem after another.

Shortly after my son started attending, the 1 year old teacher tells me one afternoon that she noticed my son wasn’t feeding himself (at the time he wouldn’t feed himself many new foods because he was unfamiliar with a lot of the foods that I didn’t feed him at home, and you often had to coerce him to eat them). She told me that she didn’t have time to sit and feed him and that she wasn’t going to sit there and make sure he ate because she had other kids to worry about (there were 3 other kids in his class and they all ate on their own).

There were other incidents since then, them refusing to give him the bottles I would send, and let them sit out and spoil all day, then taking his sippy cups immediately soon arrival and not giving them back until he left, so I fear some days he had nothing to drink. They complained that he was “heavy to have to change” so they criticized me for not having him potty trained by the time he turned 2. Another time I did a surprise pop up on the daycare to volunteer and found my child wearing the same diaper I sent him to school with almost 5 hours earlier and he was spilling out of it. He is bowlegged and they are constantly making a huge deal of it saying that he needs braces or surgery to break his legs..(I have been regularly taking him to a specialist every 6 months on my own, and his doctor wants to do no such thing), and they won’t accept those answers.

My breaking point with them is when I have long documented at the school that he was sensitive to citrus fruits and tomato based products. He gets a trouble rash when he eats them, and they continue to feed them to him. The teacher went as far to inform me once and say she wanted to “see what would happen herself”. I took him out about 3 months ago (not formally but We hasn’t went back) and have been keeping him home since. Well yesterday another mom whose daughter was in my class told me that she officially withdrew her daughter because the teacher popped her daughter and told the mother that if she disciplined her daughter better she wouldn’t have had to do that. That was 100% for me that I should stick to my guns and leave him out and find another daycare. I couldn’t imagine the things I would do if I took my son back and she did that to him. But long story short, I just wanted some other mommies to tell me their opinions and to reassure me if I’m doing the right thing or could I be overreacting a little. I’m pretty confident in my decision but I’m open to any opinions. Thank you!