Fear of getting close to my baby girl


Lately, I have been feeling as though I shouldn't get close or overly excited for my baby girl. Don't get me wrong, I love her already, but I'm scared. A good friend of mine lost her child at 3 months back in February of 2017 due to SIDS. She was an amazing mother and so healthy throughout her pregnancy. Since then, it's been a scary thought at the forefront of my mind, and while I have been educating myself on ways to prevent SIDS, I'm still terrified. I never thought in a million years that I would have a little girl. Since the first time I saw her in her US, I fell in love. I'm just praying to god she doesn't get taken from me after she gets here. I dunno how to get over this feeling, because I want more than anything to have a close bond with my daughter. Has anyone else ever had these fears? How did you work past it? It's hard to just resolve myself to take it one day at a time. Maybe it's hormones? It gives me anxiety. 😢