Hoping this month is ours!

Brittani • TTC with baby #1 3 years now. Married to the love of my life.

In November, I had a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy done and it confirmed I have stage 2 endometriosis. After over two years of trying, we finally had an answer as to why we weren’t getting pregnant. This month, we started Letrozole for 5 days, I had an ultrasound (3 nature follicles with hopefully 3 mature eggs!) I also got the Ovidrel shot. The husband and I are on baby making duty for three days and hopefully his swimmers hit a target and it sticks! I go back for a pregnancy test on 12/31! We’ve been trying for over two years (since we’ve been married) and want nothing more than to start a family. Here’s to hoping for a BFP (from a blood test!) this month!

Baby dust to all who are trying!