It's a Boy 💙


So it's finally my turn to tell you my birth story . Sorry it's long but it was one hell of a labour which felt like it went forever so here goes :

I was due on the 11/12 On the 13/12/17 I was getting ready to head into the hospital as I had high temp of 38.4 around 8:45pm I was at home waiting for my partner to leave work as 9:30pm hit I started having contractions every 4-5 minutes we head to the hospital and they continue all the way which is a 45 minute drive and start to get worse we get there at 10:30pm midwife checks me and sees I'm getting the contractions my cervix was only at 2cm 👎🏼 my baby heart rate was high and so they put a drip in to get my fluids up and see if that helped baby's heart rate. So time goes on it hits 12am they find a room as there not sending me home baby heart rate slowed down a little but I was still having regular contractions. I settled into my own room at 12:30am on the 13/12 my partner goes home as he couldn't stay. The nurse gave me a sleeping tablet to help me sleep but they were to painful to even fall to sleep as the morning came I was having contractions every 2-3 mins at 5:30am and the nurses couldn't give me any pain relief until I was atleast 4cm so I sit in my room in pain till about 9:30 am they move me back into a birthing room and check my cervix I still was only 2cm but as they had Change over this nurse said she can give me the gas to try help so gave that a go which didn't work 😫 the contractions and pains get worse And quicker , she checks me again around 2pm after giving me a morphine shot and i was finally 4 cm the pains slowed down a bit and I started to handle it all 7 pm comes I asked her to check my cervix again which she did it's now 8cm and the relief that gave me was awesome I thought now there not long to go so I hop in the bath in about half hour I start feeling like I need to push I waited to it felt abit stronger and than i started pushing about 8pm for half hour when the nurse asked can she check my cervix to see if I was 10 cm she checks and NO I'm still only 8cm and wasn't fully affeced so they get me out of the bath and onto the bed she double checks me again they decided to brake my water as my baby pooed inside as the pushing made Bub get distress they broke my water and not even 2 minutes go by my contractions were none stop and so painful I think everyone in the hospital heard me scream the nurse checked my dilation after they broke my water and it made me go backwards to 4cm 😭 at this stage I started to cry I asked nurse for the epidural which I wanted a natural birth but Iv been going for 23 hrs with no & 2 shots of morphine which didn't really help so they ordered me one but the person was in surgery so I'm laying there for another 20 mins or so till someone arrived they set me up and put it in YAY no more pain they set me up on a drip and I got some sleep, nurse check my dilation around 1am on the 15/12 I was still only 4cm so they try one more thing can't remember it's name it was some sort of fluids I had to have going for 4 hours so time goes on it comes to 5am she's checked my cervix and guess what I'm NOT dilating I'm still only 4cm she rings the dr and he said there pulling out and only option left was emergency C-section so they get me and my partner ready the dr comes into have a look at me and checks babies poistion and tells me Bub facing the wrong way and I should of had the epi hours ago 😡 I knew something was wrong anyways we head to the surgery room and by 7:45am I'm ready to have a baby after feeling all the pulling around at my stomach my baby boy was born at 8:03am on the 15/12/17 weighing 9pounds 3oz , 57cm long . He was just perfect 😍 was so happy it was all over and done with . Welcome to the world Nullah 😘m